Saturday, January 28, 2012

Green Smoothies & Smoothie Pops.

Selah isn't always a fan of veggies.
She'd much prefer mac & cheese for every meal.
{Who can blame her really...}

Recently, though, I learned a little trick
from the folks over at one of my fave places, Eat More Produce.

The art of the green smoothie:

handful of spinach (about 20 leaves)
2 leaves of kale with the hard stemmy part cut off
1 banana
1/2 cup {ish} of fresh pineapple
1/2 cup blueberries
3/4 cup {ish} apple juice
a few ice cubes

Blend that baby up.

And voila.

I feel so sneaky.
She has no idea how incredibly nutritious this is for her.

And with the leftovers,
I got these super cute little popsicle doodads.
(Bed, Bath and Beyond for $6 {ish})
So, then we have 4 smoothie pops for the week.
Thanks again, EMP peeps! :)

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