Thursday, April 7, 2011

Embrace the Cam: Danny Edition.

It's my first official Embrace the Camera since relocating/revamping my blog and starting fresh. Yippee! What better way to celebrate than to post about a longtime dear friend of mine whom I recently got to visit.

Meet Danny:
To an outsider, he might seem a little quiet and unassuming.
But don't let him fool you.

~Here's a brief pictorial of the history of our friendship~

We have celebrated many sporting events together. Some in Georgia.
Some in Ohio.
We have attended concerts together.
Based on the above pictures, you may be concerned that Danny may partake in a little too much of the bottle (or can). I assure you as someone who has spent a lot of time with this guy that this is usually not true. Usually.
A history of fun times together led us to
try out for the Amazing Race together.
It would have been the perfect setup really.
He is amazing with geography and history.
I am able to talk to anyone and ask easily for help.
We are platonic friends that would have just had fun
and lacked the drama of romantic relationships.
We would have been entertaining.
I mean, look at us.

As the years have passed, we have both grown in to our adulthood.
He now has a lovely family of his own.
The Bug and I had the privilege of visiting them
in Georgia a few weeks back.

He was a fabulous host....made us meals and took us to the "zoo" in Oconee county.
Here he is with his little man at the zoo.
It had 4 animals and most of them were disabled,
but it was still fun.
He graciously agreed to take me antique shopping.
Here we are in Madison during the festivities...
He hasn't stopped giving me crap about it since.

But what's really cool is that our antiquing trip
inspired him to begin making his own doilies...
Imagine my surprise as he told me about it the other day.
The pattern is named "Danny Boy" after him.
And yes, he's man enough to use pink in his crafting.
I hear he's setting up a blog to share his latest creations...
I'll be sure to post the link as soon as it's finished.

And so there's my tribute.
He's one of the funniest people I know....
Cheers to you D.D. :)

Now it's your turn. Click here to find out more about
how you can Embrace the Camera. :)

1 comment:

  1. I almost Danny in the Celtic bagpipe get-up! Seriously, that was pretty touching. Danny is a great friend. I feel honored to have saved his life multiple times because he's obviously a dear friend to you as well. Here's to Danny...father, husband, son, grandson, insurance salesman, human GPS, antagonizer of Michael, Dawg fan, Dukie, lefty, internal hurricane of passion, hater of all things GA Tech, but most of all, friend.
