Sunday, March 10, 2013

Orphans and Used Car Sales...

So lately I've had a few moments of major insecurity.
{Okay, more than a few, but I'll just focus on those associated
with my little small business/world changer role...}

Running a business like Noonday requires that I reach out to people,
that I often risk by saying things like, "Since you love Noonday so much, 
would you mind hosting a trunk show?"
Or "Hey everyone, I've got some samples for sale.  Interested?" 

Usually, I leave these interactions feeling incredible 
because I have shared the tangible plight of the oppressed
and it touches someone else the same way that it touches me.

I get excited because someone that wouldn't usually try on a dangly pair of earrings
or a big chunky, fun necklace
now owns them and feels BEAUTIFUL and FEMININE when she wears them.

Or that the sharing of my personal story has spoken to someone
and inspired them to hope and dream or take a big risk by following God's leading.

Occasionally, though, I leave those interactions feeling like a used car salesman.
Trying to sell you a red popsicle whilst you are wearing white gloves.
Prostituting the handiwork of poor folks so that I can make some personal gain.  

Oh, how sad my soul gets when those moments happen.


Truth is, that I really, wholeheartedly LOVE Noonday and ALL that it stands for.
I don't love it because of the mad cash I'm making promoting it.
{I'm not.  And never set out to.  This is truly a ministry for me.}

I love it because God has gifted me with the ability to be a natural promoter.
An "Omg!  have you seen that sale or this product or been to this place" kind of a person.
And Noonday is something that I can promote from the bottom of my heart
because it blends several things that I am passionate about into one opportunity.

I survived 3 years in the pharmaceutical sales industry {barely}
and if there's anything that I learned from that experience, 
it's that making money is NEVER, EVER worth it 
and will likely lead to the death of your very soul 
if you are not living out of your calling
 and happy as a clam about waking up every day to do it.
No bonus or incentive is worth using your talents to benefit something
that you truly don't believe in...

So that brings me back to the point of this post.
Usually, when people bring up a business like Noonday
(you host a trunk show, you buy a product or two, you share it with your friends)
eyes start to glaze over.
"Ugh," says the voice inside of their heads.
People begin scrambling to come up with an excuse
for why they can't attend a house party or how they can opt out of a mailing list. 
Because they don't want to be "forced" in to "having" to buy something
that they were never really interested in in the first place.  

The Bible implores us to let our yes be yes and our no be no.  
{Matthew 5:12 and James 5:37 of you'd like to read more.}
And so, if you don't want to buy something
or you cannot afford to make a purchase, then don't!

Ahh, isn't that a freeing thought?
To not feel a pressure to have to do anything?
To not live out of guilt or fear?
Yes, folks.  It's possible.

Let me just stop for a second and say right now that I would rather you
come to a show and not buy anything at all vs. you caving in to some perceived pressure
to spend money that you might not even have.  

It's a bummer that marketing tactics and pyramid schemes
have given direct sales such a bad stigma.
Noonday doesn't even have a multi-level marketing setup.
{Meaning, if you sign up to be an ambassador, and then your sister does,
and even grandma wants a piece of the action,
I don't get rich.
Only rich in the sense that I'm super excited that more people
will know about Noonday and our mission because of you.}  :)

Correct me if I'm wrong,
but me thinks that the threat of being sucked in/spending money against your will
stops folks from going out and having a fun time with old friends or potential new ones,
and learning about a new product or opportunity.

If you were not motivated by guilt or fear, 
would your response to being invited to or reading a facebook post 
about Noonday or the like be different?
Shoot, for that matter, how would your WHOLE LIFE be different
if you weren't afraid or plagued by guilt?

Okay, all of that said...
Puh-lease don't think that I want to be your friend so that I can sell you Noonday.
Life is so short and time is so precious that I don't choose my friends that way.
{Though I am getting to know so many people and deepening existing friendships
 through this vehicle for change....}
If you happen to fall in love with Noonday in the process of hanging out with me
or stalking my blog, fantastic.
If you don't, you are just as welcome in my life.
Got it?

Peace & Love-

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think every one of us ambassadors can relate to this! Thanks for being a voice!
