Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weary Souls and Howler Monkeys.

When I am down
and oh, my soul so weary....

You raise me up.

Josh Groban sings it.
But, today I'm preaching it.

This week has been crazy overwhelming due to packing up
for an unexpected move 30 minutes away.

So, to my great pleasure,
this Sunday has been full of recovering.
I've purposely stayed in my pj's.
Made a well-rounded meal for myself.
{in an attempt to counteract the carb fest that I've lived on for the past few weeks.}
Watched about 14 episodes of HGTV shows.

This rest thing is pretty cool.
I should totally do this EVERY Sunday.
Oh wait, you mean I'm supposed to rest for a whole day every week?
The Big Man totally knew what He was doing with that commandment.
You are a smart cookie, Lord.

I'm so thankful for this downtime.
Now, I feel ready to tackle a new week.
Ready to spend quality, intentional time with my little chickadee.
I think this week we will do this:
                                                                         Source: via Melonie on Pinterest

Seems like a great thing to do when you live in the "forest,"
as The Bug calls it.
The other day, she told me that she bets we will see howler monkeys
while we are living here.
Leave it to a 3 year old to make you laugh out loud.
I'm pretty sure I can thank Dora or Diego for that one...

Man, do I miss this little peanut when she is gone.
I'm also ready to reach out and share my Noonday passion.
Ready to go to the old house and put the final touches on moving out.
Er, maybe almost ready for that one.
I will likely need at least 2 more episodes of House Hunters and a good night's sleep
before doing yard work for a house that I don't live in anymore...

Hope your weekend was restful too.
And don't forget to check back tomorrow for an awesome Noonday giveaway!!!

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