Thursday, June 14, 2012

Moving. Again.

You know what?  
I'm bored.
I mean, I totally have nothing to do.

I know!  
How about I move again for the 3rd time in 2 years?
Oh yes, that will surely get me off of my booty and moving a bit.

That's it.
It's settled.

Can you sense my sarcasm from across the miles?

I mean, really, who likes to pack up their whole life and relocate?
I'm TRYING to keep a positive attitude about this.  

True, it's a great time to purge and evaluate what's most important.
And, I'm super thankful to have a place to go
that will get my little bug and I through this season.

But, it's stressful, y'all.
And so bare with me as I don't post.
As I delay sharing my excitement about The Noonday Collection.

I can promise you one thing...
I'll be back.
And ready to dive in head first to a fresh, new start.

Until then,
be well friends. :)

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