Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rushman will soon be 1. {Orlando children's photographer}

This sweet little guy is approaching his first birthday.

Spending time in the sweltering heat with this lovely family reminded me:

1.) how gross Florida is in the summer.
2.) and most importantly, how fleeting time is.

One minute, your holding this tiny little life in your hands
and the next they are asking you for juice and a snack and 
if they can watch Bubble Guppies now.
Soon, they'll be wanting the car keys.

Oh time, slow down already....

The P family and I bonded while sweating together
and ended up with a lovely session from Lake Lily.

Big sister was a pro.
You can tell she's been in this rodeo before.
Cutie, pie.

This is one of my faves...
notice those little eyes in the background,
peaking in on Daddy loving Mom.

Just a sweet reminder that they are always watching.
A favorite quote of mine:

"The greatest gift that a father can give his children is to love his mother."
-David O. McKay

P family, thanks for braving the heat with me.
Hope you love your portraits! 

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