Thursday, January 26, 2012

Manatees Galore.

The Bug and I went up to Blue Springs State Park
last week to see manatees in the wild.

Central Florida, though the armpit of hell in the summer,
has some pretty neat (non-Disney) things to do
when the weather decides to cool off a bit.

The spring stays 72 degrees year round,
so these fat little buggars head for the warmth
during the winter months.

They are majestic.

And the water is clear as a bell.
There were tons of them.
Rumor has it about 250 to be exact.
Totally worth the 40 minute drive
and small entry fee ($4).
Especially since we took a picnic and made a day of it.

Is this girl getting big or what?

I'm embracing every moment with my sweet chickadee.

What are you embracing this week?


  1. She is such a doll! What a lovely spring - manatees are so sweet. Love your photos... so cute.

  2. I bet it's so fun to hang out with your girl! I have a 20 month old girl. We love to hang out in her room and play picnic. (I'm #41 for ETC this week.)
