Thursday, October 13, 2011

Embracing the past few months.

My word.
It's mid-October.
What happened to summer?
Not that I'm complaining...

I'd kinda like to have access to a fast-forward button
every year here in this wretchedly hot state of FL.

My point being that a few months have felt
like a few days to me.

So, what have I been up to?
Let me do a quick update since Melonikkah.

The bug and I headed to the mountains!
Or shall I say to my soul's home.

First stop a road trip with my pal Britt and her kiddies.

Here's Britt.
I call her "chili dog."
We went to NC to a little slice of heaven to spend time
with our other amiga Michelle and her fam.

This was our view.

And then, this.
A real-life ginormous tree house.
It's no wonder why I love North Carolina so much.
Here's my little diva in Asheville.
Love this girl.
Playing dress-up.
Just a swingin.

Then, we said a sad goodbye to this lovely lady
and her family. Virginia Beach, take good care of them!

Next stop was in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
with my family.

Being one with nature.
That shadow is a freaking bear.
And yes, it was that close to us.

My little lady has celebrated some big milestones lately.

Bye bye crib.
Hello big girl bed.

Back to school!

Happy 3rd birthday Selah Daisy!

We went from camera shy to stealing the show!

Oh, and going poopy on the potty?
We do that now.
{Most of the time.}

First trip to Cinderella's castle with her bff Journey

Journey and Rapunzel look dry. Don't let them fool you.
It monsooned on us for the first hour or so.
They are so sweet to one another.

My princess.
Incidentally, on any given day,
if you came to my house,
you would have a 75% chance of finding Selah
in this outfit.
Princess. Fever.

I had surgery!
And got a new accessory.
And you know how I LOVE accessories.

I am 3 weeks post-op and doing well.
No more sling now.
Only a few more months til
I can serve a volleyball
and paint my house.

That's one hell of an embrace.
Thankful to have so much to be thankful for. :)
How about you?
What are you embracing these days?

Link up yo.

1 comment:

  1. oh how i love asheville & those mountains! makes my soul at peace.
    and i live in VB. so...i'll make sure 'we' take good care of your friend. well, at least until we move to florida the end of the year! craziness.

    popped over from emily's.
