Friday, August 26, 2011

Home Renovation. Of the Miniature Kind.

My little peanut will be 3 in a few short days.
What better gift could there be for a sweet,
feminine little fairy than a doll house, you say?

Nothing, of course.

For months now I have been dreaming up this project.
Found me an outdated mini abode on {where else?} Craigslist
that has been hidden under a blanket in the room
where I hoard all the rest of the things I haven't ridden of yet.
(It's important to keep things camouflaged, lest the surprise be ruined).

The paint was not my style.

And the carpet was,
just look at it.

The official renovation has begun...
And Momma's having lots of fun.

Yes, yes.
Poetry is my forte.

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