Thursday, August 25, 2011

Embrace the Camera~North Carolina

I have been a crappy blogger lately.
I think often about posting something
and the next thing I know it's night time
and I'm half comatose.
So, here it is, August 24th.
Can someone please tell me where summer went?
I blinked and then bam. It was gone.

Now, lest you non-Floridians think I mean summer
in the weather fashion, let me be quick to say
that it is still very much the sweltering,
sweat dripping down your body,
barely even want to walk outside
if you are anything like me kind of summer.
Rather, I'm meaning the whimsical part of the season.
The no plans or fun plans kind of structureless summer.
Now that is to be embraced!

Selah and I managed to have a pretty good few months.
We have been to Sea World a few times.
And have gone on a few fun trips too.
If I ever get caught up (which I'm pretty sure the concept is pretend),
maybe I'll get to post a little more of our daily events.
This whole doing life by myself with an almost 3 year old is no joke.
If you have any single, separated, or divorced friends with kids,
stop what you are doing right now and go give them a hug.
They need it. Promise.
And a babysitter.
And a bottle of wine too.

On to the point of today's post:
Today, I am embracing the camera for the first time in a while.
This is a little tiny snippet from our trip to North Carolina.
We had SO MUCH FUN with our good friends and with each other.
Except for the whole mini photo shoot on the giant hay bales.
She hated how pokey they were. I get that.
How about this for the look of death?
I'm pretty sure that she was shooting
imaginary spears in my direction...

But, the creek? Now, that was awesome.
This goes down as one of my favorite Selah photos of all time.
So, there it is.
The whimsy of summer.

What are you embracing these days?
Hook on up over with Emily's blog to share your embrace:

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