Thursday, July 14, 2011

Melonikkah Craft Night

Oh the joy of having lots of beautiful gal pals
gather to celebrate my real birthday...
it was truly divine.

It helps one to get over the shame
involved with planning your
own perpetual birthday party. :)

We made these here little numbers.
{Click on that highlighted/underlined word.
It will take you to the link.
If you aren't savvy with this kind of stuff.}

I may have even decorated a tad for my own party.

Are these not the cutest little clothespins?!
I'm obsessed with them and plotting their next use.

I've heard it said that sewing
an actual bunting is a royal P in the A.
And so, for the first time in my life,
I chose the simple route.

{whaaaa? that's possible?!}

Busted out my paper chopper and made a few triangles
out of super cute scrap booking paper.
Located some random string from a few different spots.
(It pays to save everything {sometimes}.)

I'm really having this much fun.
I even wore my romper for the occasion.
Too bad you can't see it.
It's pretty cheesy when you plan for you
and your daughter plan to wear a romper on the same day.
But, I specialize in cheese.

Lesley is a pro at this.
She even has an etsy shop!
You should totally check out her awesome creations.

This Amy looks like she's enjoying herself.

And so was the other Amy.
Claire might have been saying not nice words
to the craft under her breath...

Love these girls!

And these!

And the amazing Sue.
A ray of sunshine to me. :)

Group shot.

For reals y'all. Thanks for making my year. :)
Loved seeing those little blooms is everyone's hair!


  1. Aw:). I thought you were MY ray of sunshine. Love you.

  2. Some of my favorite people in the world in these pics. You're one blessed lady!!!
