Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am famous for starting things
and not finishing them,
so please celebrate with me as I attempt to overcome
one of my most unfavorite traits.

{which will likely never happen,
but a girl can dream...}

My brain is usually on overdrive,
dreaming up all of the fun things
that I'd like to do around the house,
to make as gifts,
to teach my little bug how to do,
but all of that thought
often leads to a system overhaul.
I keep thinking that I just need to set a rule
that I can't plan for, buy for, or talk about
until I finish the 1,236 things
that I already have in the works.
But, this blog is about
living in reality folks.
And so, it's gonna be more
like baby steps in the right direction...

~Operation Figure Out How to Store My Accessories~
I love accessories!! But the little buggers
make for a very cluttered closet.
I picked up on of these doodads at Ikea for $6.
Ikea has the best doodads.
Fashioned all of my scarves and belts on it.
I hung out with a drill one afternoon
in order to make an accessory collage
on my closet door.
I still need to make a mesh frame to house
my stud earrings
(which are in a heap in a box
in the (very messy) closet
below that I strategically left out
of the picture...),
but this is a start.

~Operation Finish the Ruffle Pillow~
You may recognize this fabric from last fall
when I first learned how to make a ruffle.

Finally, I now have a cute little
pillow sitting on my couch.
Ruffles are glorious.

~Operation Grow My Own Food~
I have tried to grow a garden several times.
And failed.
I won't get started on how I hate Florida
and how of course it won't grow in this ground
because IT'S SAND and has NO nutrients...
Let's focus on the positive, shall we?

The new rental house already
had this raised plant bed.
The city of Orlando gives away free compost.
Double score.
My friend Diana had just taken a gardening class,
so she gave me some tips on how to be successful.
Triple play!

And voila, my firstfruits!

~Operation Make A Dishy Towel for Me~
At Christmas time,
I made several dishy towels as gifts.
But ran out of steam.
I finally made a few for myself.
Loving this fabric...

~Operation Teach Selah How to Be Organized~
Now that Selah's room is bigger than a closet,
it was time to create
a little toy space for her.
We are learning how to clean up
based on category...
Eventually, I will take a picture
and hang it on each of the bins,
so she knows just where to put
her baby clothes, kitchen items, and techy gadgets.

A moment to celebrate my accomplishments
before I notice all that's around me
that I've yet to finish.
It's progress....

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