Monday, April 4, 2011

Bean Dip.

This is a recent addition to my
regularly made treats.
It's officially called white bean dip.
But I like to refer to it by it's Italian roots:
Cannellini Bean Dip

It's because I am Italian.
and because I like to say "cannellini."

Here's what you'll need:
2 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp. rosemary
15 oz. can cannellini beans

Sidebar for those of you in Orlando...
I got this ginormous tin of olive oil for $14.99
and have been using it for months.
Eat More Produce rocks my world.

And this is how I made it:
1.)go to neighbor's house and borrow some rosemary. (thanks diana!)
2.) toss it in ridiculously small food chopper
along with the peeled garlic.
3.) Saute the chopped goods in
about 1 Tbsp. olive oil.
{Be careful not to be so mesmerized by the fire
and the sizzle that
you let the garlic cook til it gets too brown.}

4.) Drain and rinse the beans.

5.) Use my second favorite kitchen gadget to get some fresh squeezed
juice and then toss the leftover lemon in the garbage disposal
for a nice little cleaning.
The recipe calls for 1 Tbsp. of juice, but I like my dip tart so I added 2.

6.) Process all ingredients in the chopper (or food processor if your super lucky)and enjoy!
I haven't made the pita chips yet, so I used
a blue corn tortilla chip
to test it out. And it was delish.

Selah will eat this stuff by the spoonful.
And so will her mommy.
Now the challenge will be to keep it
away from both of our mouths so that I
can actually take it to City Group tonight
as promised. It's all tall order my friends.

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