Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Word: Shalom.

I am a wordie.
A self-proclaimed lover of words and their meaning.
Imagine how tickled I was when I got wind that there
was a little word-trend sweeping the blogosphere.

Resolutions are so 2003.
Instead, you just pick a word.
Folks are forming their intent for the year 
by coming up with one word to summarize their hopes for the next 365 days. 

Doesn't that sound like a fantastic idea?
There's so much freedom in just picking a word.
You don't have to go to the gym 5 times per week!
You don't have to lose 10.5 pounds!
You don't have to swear off of cherry coke.

This falls right in line with my revelations as I get older 
that moderation is really key to living a calmer existence.
Kick all of the control focus to the curb and just relax a little bit, eh?

I got all excited.
I had a little chat with God about it.
I came up with a few different options.
But then, bam.
It hit me.
My word revealed itself.  

With no further adieu, I present to you my heaven-sent word for 2013. 

It's Hebrew for peace and wholeness, et al.
What a perfect choice as I start fresh for this new year.

How 'bout you?
Did you come up with a word yet?
If not, what do you think it might be?  

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