Saturday, July 23, 2011

Melonikkah Game Night.

Unless you have played the game Quelf,
this post will likely make no sense to you.
Thanks Stace for the awesome suggestion.
I bought Quelf as a birthday present.
For myself.
A girl's gotta celebrate.

My game night guests:

The bad kitty:

The ever lovely and always camera comfy Jessica.
She can act out a mean cowboy on an ostrich.
A very southern cowboy.

He's brave to take on these sister wives.
Even for just one night.

I love this shot, but let this be a reminder to not
rely on your iphone for precious memories!
Ugh. Crappy quality.
Am I becoming a photo snob?
A fun time was had.
And delicious fresh strawberry margaritas were too.
Yum. Yay.
That's a wrap on the Melonikkah festivities.

(this post took on a mind of it's own.
there is no special meaning to the underlined parts.
i don't have the patience to make it go away.)

1 comment:

  1. y'all are my favorite quelfers. this post was pretty hilarious, mellie!
