So, let's play catch up! Selah is weighing in at 20.75 pounds. Don't let her little stature fool you. Sister can put down some serious "oat-eel," which she loves to eat for breakfast every morning. She is talking up a storm, and able to repeat almost ANY word that we say. Which means that we must be very careful what we say! :) She started calling Lullah "Buppah" a few weeks ago. This was spontaneous, because she had called her "Wuwwah" up until that time, which seems developmentally appropriate. So, she has renamed the dog and they enjoy one another more now. She is obsessed with shoes (hers, mine, Josh's, yours....she doesn't discriminate). She is usually good-mannered, but has a very sassy side too. (Clearly, she got this from her father. :) ) This is especially true when she is tired and as of late, not getting what she wants. Welcome, terrible twos.....
In mid-March, she went pee pee on the potty for the very first time!!!!!!!!!! Which was SO exciting for Momma that she screamed like a crazy person and scared the crap out of the baby. And so, let's just say that it put a minor damper on the potty training stuff for a time....Here's a shot of Little Miss Sunshine in her moment of glory:
Here she demos her excellent modeling of how to wipe:
The reason that we got the potty and started so early with trying it out is because she became very interested in the potty process. Josh and I would have a shadow anytime we visited the throne, so we thought, well, let's try it out. And so I guess you could say that she learned those rockin' wiping skills from us. She followed up the pee with her first poopy on the potty a month later. For your benefit, and mine, I did not photograph that. :) We continue to try it out, but she has only gone a few times. A little post-traumatic stress disorder (from your mother turning in to a looney tune after you've done something exciting) will do that to you, I guess.
In the middle of April, Josh took a trip up to Tybee Island, Georgia with his boss. This would otherwise be not too terribly exciting, except for that he went in this:
And his boss was the one flying the plane.
Selah ended up having a terrible fever (and subsequently a week of misery because of her first ear infection) that morning, so I stayed home from work to care for her, which meant that we took Daddy to the "airport" which was really more like a parking lot with a little road beside it and got to witness the event firsthand. Lub, dub, lub, dub went my heart very forcefully as they headed off. I was a bit nervous for him! But, he enjoyed the flight and the conference and came back in one piece, so all is well.
One thing that we have enjoyed this spring is the lake behind our house. Selah loves to go out a feed the ducks.
And maybe occasionally, she thinks that the (stale) bread is really her snack....
At any rate, I am pretty sure that she will inherit her Momma's awe for animals. At this point, she feeds the bread straight to the duck's beak. Here she is again just being her cute self:
Josh has began taking the kayak out on the lake to fish. He caught a 5 lb. fish on one of his first attempts! Selah and I hopped in our other kayak one day to join him on the lake.
Speaking of her cute self, here are a few more fun pics of the sweet pea from the past few months:
Crinkle nose grin:
She LOVES to use keys and anything that resembles a screwdriver right now. This is some random person's bug. But, at least she has a cool taste in cars!
She is cooking in her new kitchen from Aunt Sherri. She enjoys preparing food for us and bringing it to us to sample.
Here we are in Ohio. She did not want to get off of this bike.
A new daily ritual is playdoh time. We spend lots of time preparing meatballs and eggs...
Her first Easter egg hunt:
Posing with Granny and Aunt Sher:
Bad hair day fo sho. She sometimes sweats in her sleep. This day she fell asleep with her pearls on. And woke up like this!
She has recently begin saying "cheese" and taking our picture. I have no idea where she got that....I don't know anyone that uses a camera every day to snap her in her moments.....
She likes to help "tea cup." Which means clean up.
The other day, this turtle just came to hang out on our back porch during a terrential downpour
Auntie Samia was in town for a conference, so we got to visit for a few hours.
We went with Chip, Courtney and Eden to Fort Wilderness:

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