She thought she was pretty cool in a bin full of apples!

It seems like since her first birthday, she is really starting to look more
and more like a little girl instead of a baby.

She is a huge bookworm! And lately, one of her favorite things to do is work her way on to my lap to ask me to read one of her favorites "100 First Words" to her.
She is not quite walking yet, but is occasionally doing a really great bear crawl. The walking seems like it could happen at any moment cause she is taking a step here and there.

And, to my suprise, the other day, she actually let me put pigtails in her hair for the very first time! OMG-this was a very special moment for me to see her with her hair like this.

When we get her dressed, she often will lift up a leg to help get her pants on. She hates having shirts go over her head however. I think this is due to one too many times of getting her head stuck and a little post-traumatic stress kicking in... :(
She knows how to make a kissy sound now and just this morning, from a distance, I watched her give her doll a smacky kiss with a big smile on her face. Geez, there is something so amazing about watching a child develop like this.
And she is becoming so interactive. The other day, I dropped a tortilla chip on the floor. She looked at me, pointed at the chip and said "Uh oh." She is becoming more curious about the dog too. If she doesn't see Lullah around, she will do her best attempt to say her name, which comes out something like "l" sound with her tongue moving all around.
It feels somewhat goofy to gush about what seems like simple little things, but it is such a gift to watch your baby grow and learn like this. Stay tuned for more of her latest adventures! :)
Signed-One Proud Momma :)
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