Thursday, January 12, 2012

Embracing Michelle.

This here is my dear friend,

I love this pic.
She looks like she is saying hello to all of us.
In her pretty little prego way.

{Don't be a hater, ladies.
Some women just do pregnancy this cute...
though I am not one of them...}

Through the most unusual circumstances,
Michelle and I entered one another's social/church circles.

And dare I say,
we have been kindred spirits ever since.
Very different women,
but with very similar longings.
We have been on a journey together.
A journey that at some points
has been absolutely excruciating.
For both of us.

But, oh the joy that comes when that journey turns a corner.
And surprises us with the goodness and beauty of life.
Real Life. Worth Living.

Michelle is the kind of friend that
shows up at your door with bags full of groceries
when you are sick.
And magazines.
And flowers.

Her hugs are outstanding.
Just the right balance between tight grip
and nurturing squeeze.

She is the kind of friend who cries with
and for your when you own grief
doesn't allow for enough tears to be shed.

She reminds me not to take life too seriously.
And that dirt on my child's feet
is to be treasured.
{Not immediately wiped off and
covered with shoes to avoid the mess...}

{our girls in the garden...}

And the things that really matter aren't things.
But rather, people.
And moments.

This part of Michelle's journey,
involves a sweet {unexpected} new baby girl,
Anne Michelle.

AND residing across the world for a while.

If I win the lottery
{that I don't play}
I am so crashing their party
and headed down under to visit them!
I am delighted for my beloved friend,
who now enters a new chapter with her husband
and FIVE kiddies.

We will miss the Seneff Seven immensely.
Driving down 17/92 won't be the same
since we can't hang a left and spend a spontaneous evening with you
and eat your amazing spaghetti and watch the Bachelor.

Wishing you overwhelming joy, peace & rest over yonder!
Be well, my dear friend.
Muah, muah.

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